Importance Of Communication During Rehabilitation And Injury Management


The rehabilitation and injury management of employees does not stop due to COVID-19 and like every aspect of business, can become harder.  Research shows that early return to work promotes recovery and reduces the risk of long-term impacts and work loss, but COVID-19 may be making this harder for some roles in some organisations.   

Undoubtedly, workplace injuries are difficult for both injured employee and employer. The employee has sustained an injury which has caused them pain and suffering, inconvenience and interruption to their lives, and worry about their recovery and financial wellbeing. For employers there are the concerns of managing an employee’s partial or total absence from the workplace, ensuring key projects are completed, as well as keeping on top of the administrative aspects of having a worker’s compensation claim. It is therefore important to ensure communication with all parties, but particularly the injured worker.

Whilst I acknowledge emotions for both the injured worker and the employee.  It is important when communicating with the injured worker to be empathetic and genuine, put yourself in their shoes to understand the importance of this.   Keep them in the loop, however, ask the same of them as the insurer does not always give timely information or even keep you updated.  Provide as much information and assistance as reasonably possible.  There is much to be gained by communicating with the injured worker and maintaining a positive relationship.

Be mindful also, that other employees will observe how the injured employee is treated and their perception will determine whether they believe the organisation values its employees.

And if that doesn’t do you for you then maybe this will – research shows that one of the main influences of an employee’s decision to lodge a common law worker’s compensation claim, is the perception of ill treatment by the employer.

It is also important to maintain communication with the insurer and ensure you are up to date with the claim and the process and depending on the impacts of COVID-19 organising a sponsored host for rehabilitation if possible.

HR Business Direction can assist with injury management, contact us here.


Leisa Messer BBus(HRM); GradDipIR; FAHRI; IRSQ
Managing Director | HR Strategist
07 3890 2066