Workplace Investigations are a good thing!

When you receive a complaint or grievance which needs to be investigated either informally or formally, it is a good thing! I know it doesn’t feel like it when the thoughts of; ‘this is difficult’, ‘the personalities are difficult’, ‘I don’t have time for this’, ‘what if they take it further?’, ‘how many people do I need to involve?’ and the fear of where it may go and what may come out of it, can be overwhelming. Although it’s important to exercise caution and to undertake the process with care, workplace investigations ARE still a good thing!
‘Why?‘ You might ask? Well…
Yes, workplace investigations can be difficult, and forethought and consideration should always be given as to how to respond, the internal investigation frameworks in place, how to handle the investigation, who should handle it, who needs to be informed and what immediate response is required. If there is a risk of the situation continuing during the investigation, this also needs to be properly managed. Sometimes Contractors can be involved, and this then gets tricky as their personal details are protected by the Privacy Act. But, conducting a workplace investigation gives you an opportunity to get feedback from others, identify causes of issues and problems which need addressing, all of which can help to ensure performance and productivity are maximised and health and well-being risks are minimised. I appreciate there is a difference between an investigation report and a report of surrounding issues but given the potential impact on productivity, performance and well-being, it’s worth considering also reporting on these broader issues where necessary and appropriate.
Yes, some personalities can be difficult…. But, managed well, investigations provide an opportunity to hear maybe why those personalities seem difficult and then turn them around. They also provide a good opportunity to review existing policies to ensure they are flexible enough to deal with various situations and that they provide-procedural fairness for all, allow for various resolution options and ensure the well-being of all parties throughout the process.
Yes, workplace investigations do take time and they need to be dealt with in a timely manner. They shouldn’t be drawn out but must also properly and professionally deal with all of the relevant issues. But, the investment of time and resources is worth it if the issue being investigated is usually destructive to performance, productivity, health or well-being.
Yes, workplace investigations may not be the end and, from time to time, individuals may take the issue further by making an external complaint or claim, creating increased costs, time and risk. However, this possibility only increases the need to ensure that an internal investigation is undertaken and undertaken well in case you may need to defend the claim and demonstrate to an external body that appropriate improvement action has been taken.
Yes, workplace investigations may involve various people, and this should be properly planned out as best as possible in the beginning so that those involved understand what is happening, why and the expectations involved. Support should be provided to all employees involved throughout the process and their well-being considered. But, the more people involved in the investigation, the better the possibility of gaining a more holistic and conclusive insight into the situation.
Yes, workplace investigations are all those things (and others) but they are a good thing! Workplace Investigations provide an opportunity to improve a situation and more likely bigger than that, an opportunity to improve performance, productivity, leadership, culture, teamwork, policies, procedures and motivation.
At HR Business Direction we can undertake Workplace Investigations for you; get in contact to find how.
Leisa Messer FCPHR; BBus (HRM); GradDipIR; CAHRI; IRSQ
Human Resources Strategist
07 3890 2066
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