Our Managing Director is a Fellow Certified Practitioner with AHRI.


Some time ago now we announced that the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) introduced certification for HR Professionals to ensure a high standard for the profession and confidence for businesses that that is what they will receive in engaging a certified HR Professional having been assessed against skills, knowledge and behaviours as set by the National Certification Council within AHRI.   Certified HR Professionals are assessed as having cognitive mastery of globally benchmarked HR knowledge and skills, demonstrated capability to apply the knowledge and skills and committed to continuous professional development.

We are now pleased to announce that Leisa Messer (FCPHR), our Managing Director and HR Specialist is now a Certified HR Professional.    Furthermore, Leisa also received her Fellow level of membership being recognised as a senior level practitioner with significant contribution tot he HR Industry.

We welcome the introduction of the certification and believe that Businesses Boards & Senior Management will also benefit, to assist them in managing their team and maximising performance and productivity!

Certification will bring HR in line with other professions such as accounting and engineering.


For more information visit AHRI website – link here