How do I comply with WH&S Legislation

HR business direction invites you to a Breakfast Presentation, this time on, ‘How do I comply with Workplace Health & Safety Legislation?’

As you know there is a lot of information on WH&S and a lot of legislation surrounding it, from the Acts & Regulations to Codes of Practice, Guides and other information and publications.  No where, however,  does it tell you what you need to do to comply.  Further complications to knowing how to comply is the changes to the legislation effective 1st January 2012.   Be sure you are not at risk, for penalties for getting it wrong, not complying or even worse having a workplace incident or accident.

Attend our Breakfast Presentation with other businesses on;

Thursday, 28th February 2013
7:00am – 8:30am
Normanby Hotel, 1 Musgrave Road, Brisbane

You will hear from the HR business direction team;  Christina, our experienced Workplace Health & Safety specialist; Leisa, an experienced Human Resources & Industrial Relations professional and Melissa, our experienced and qualified employment lawyer.

We will cover;

  • Who is responsible for WH&S?
  • What are they responsible for?
  • What do businesses need to do to comply?
  • What does compliance look like – a basic WH&S Management system?
  • Benefits of WH&S efforts
  • Contractual measures to assist with WH&S compliance
  • The prosecution process
  • WH&S from a HR perspective

Don’t be at risk for someone else’s injury or penalties for non-compliance.  Register now and pay only $69 to attend including a light breakfast – limited seats are available.  Bookings are required by 21st February.

Please feel free to forward this onto a friend, colleague or contact that you think would benefit and like us on facebook for regular information, tips, updates by clicking on the link below.

We look forward to seeing you there.