COVID-19 The last of
As restrictions ease further and business and life slowly gets back to normal, we too will slowly get back to normal. This means, this is the last of our COVID-19 series of communications and we will go back to sending our monthly newsletters. That is, of course, unless something crops up that you need to know in between in which case we will let you know. We do hope however, that you have found our COVID-19 communications relevant, timely and valuable.
There is still a need to ensure a COVID-19 safe workplace. JobKeeper is still in place and therefore the corresponding temporary regulations to complement the JobKeeper scheme remain in place. There are still considerations in returning employees back to the workplace. There may also be considerations given to requests for ongoing flexibility. Let’s also not forget the proposed Industrial Relations reform, looking at award simplification, enterprise agreement making, casual and fixed term arrangements, compliance and enforcement and greenfield agreements.
We will continue to be in touch and ensure you continue to receive information which is timely to assist you in maximizing the performance and productivity of your team.
As we have been saying all along, now is the time to consult and communicate with your team, but it’s always time to do that!
If you require advice on any employee issue, please let us know. We are here to help. As always we are available via email or phone – or 0401 271 616 | 07 3890 2066.
Take care.
The Team at HR Business Direction