Are they Contractors or Employees?

HR Business Direction is pleased to invite you to the first of our Breakfast Series Sessions, on the complex and common issue in business:  ‘Are they Contractors or Employees?’

Do you know if you really have Contractors or Employees?  You may have engaged contractors to save costs or because it’s easier but this is fraught with risks which may end up costing you more.  Be sure you are not at risk for penalties for getting it wrong and attend our Breakfast Session with other businesses on;

Thursday, 8th November 2012
7:00am – 8:30am
Normanby Hotel, 1 Musgrave Road, Brisbane

You will hear from the HR business direction team; Leisa an experienced Human Resources & Industrial Relations professional; Melissa, an experienced & qualified employment lawyer and Christina, our experienced Workplace Health & Safety specialist.

We will cover;

  • What constitutes a contractor (sole trader or Pty Ltd) and employee
  • What is ‘Sham’ Contracting
  • When to and not to engage a contractor and employee
  • Different options to take and how to decide
  • Risks involved in getting it wrong and trying to work around it
  • What you should  have in place and why
  • Your WH&S responsibilities for both employees & contractors
  • Other HR responsibilities

Don’t risk getting it wrong!  Register now and pay only $49 to attend including a light breakfast —limited seats are available!  Bookings are required by 30th November.  Please feel free to forward this onto a friend, colleague or contact that you think that they would benefit.

We look forward to seeing you there.