Why Those at The Top Should Take a Look at Their Workplace Culture
Investment in your workplace culture will create more profits however it will also decrease unwanted costs in the business and really help a business move from good to great!
We’ve had experience and observed many businesses that on the outside seem to be very successful and I’m sure their bottom line is ‘successful’. However, we are also in a position to be privy to what’s behind closed doors and it’s not always that great. We see these businesses that are successful, in that they have been around for a long time, built a good reputation in the market and continuing to grow. However, these businesses have; low employee engagement, high employee turner, high sick leave, low productivity, lost time injuries, workers compensation claims, lack of communication, lack of innovation, lack of contribution and I could keep going but I won’t as I am sure you get the picture. So, why don’t Boards, Business Owners, Senior Managers – those at the top, take action on workplace culture?
The frustrating thing is that these Boards, Business Owners or Senior Managers see the bottom line as being OK and I’m sure it is. However, unfortunately, it could be better and some of these things are not as easy to see on the balance sheet and therefore don’t get consideration. From their perspective business is good, however, we can easily see with some investment in their workplace culture that these problems could decrease or even disappear. This means the bottom line would increase.
I have no doubt Boards, Business Owners and Senior Managers have a very good handle on costs. However, do they look at the cost of having a poor culture, a non-great culture or one that doesn’t align to the business vision and goals? If the costs can’t be seen and therefore understand the improvements to be made, questions to be asked are; in what way does our current workplace culture support your business goals? How do current practices and procedures influence workplace culture? Where are the people costs in the business that I can’t see? Remember, just because things are the way they are doesn’t mean they should be.
Culture isn’t the answer to all problems and it is important to have a holistic approach however culture and leadership is a critical starting point. Next time you gloss over an article about workplace culture or shrug your shoulders and think about something else, have a really good think about what it is actually costing you not to improve your workplace culture. With increased competition, globalisation, fight for talent and disruption it’s never been more important to take a look at your workplace culture.
At HR Business Direction we can assist in identifying your workplace culture, determining what your desired workplace culture is, identifying the gap and how to close the gap. Contact us here.
Leisa Messer BBus(HRM); GradDipIR; CAHRI; IRSQ
Managing Director | HR Strategist
07 3890 2066