The benefits in asking R U OK? – When work is not the problem…
Sometimes the familiar daily routines such as going to work can provide security, a welcome distraction, or comfort when things are not going so well outside of work.
Non-work related stressors such as loss of a loved one, illness or injury, relationship breakdown, domestic violence or financial pressures could be experienced by any one of us during our working lives. It would perhaps be convenient if employees didn’t come with lives (and problems) of their own, but this is not the case and it is just as likely to be a senior manager as a front line employee to be struggling.
Encouraging employees to take time off to resolve or deal with personal problems may be appropriate and mutually agreeable in some situations, but it is also important that we ensure that we are not cutting them off from their support network in the process.
These days people are more likely to form relationships with, and confide in their work colleagues than their neighbours. If a workplace is a modern community, and the employees of that workplace its residents or citizens, then perhaps the workplace has the potential to provide community-like support for its residents during times of need. Providing a flexible, understanding and supportive work environment could make all the difference in terms of an individual’s mental health during times of adversity. There is little doubt that supporting employees through difficult times has benefits for employers, retention of skilled and experienced employees improved workplace morale and employee engagement being the most obvious.
Asking RU OK? In the workplace is a fantastic opportunity to provide support to one another, as well as to breakdown preconceived notions and stigmas surrounding mental health. The more we ask each other R U OK? The more likely we are to answer honestly, and reach out for help if we need it.
At HR Business Direction we are able to assist with developing a mentally healthy workplace and getting a return on investment from your people – even when work is not the problem. Contact us here.
HR Business Direction supports R U OK? In the promotion of regular, meaningful conversations in the workplace.
Christina Willcox MHSc; PostGradDip OHS; BBus
Workplace Health & Safety Specialist
07 3890 2066