Ensuring a ROI from your staff ensures a Mentally Healthy Workplace


For those of you who know us at HR Business Direction, you would know that we are very passionate about the positive promotion and management of mental health in the workplace.  So it makes sense that, HR Business Direction supports R U OK? In the promotion of regular, meaningful conversations in the workplace. 

We do our best to remind our clients and the business community of the importance of this and simply asking the question R U OK? throughout the year.  As R U OK? Day is approaching on 11th September, it is timely for us to dedicate our blogs to this topic.

What I wanted to highlight today is something I feel very passionate – that a mentally healthy workplace is one that will also ensure a return on investment from your people.

As noted by Heads Up a ‘mentally healthy workplace promotes a positive workplace culture, minimises workplace risks related to mental health, supports people with mental health conditions appropriately and prevents discrimination.’

A strong and positive organisational culture and leadership, good employee governance or compliance with workplace legislation – Discrimination, Workplace Health & Safety and Industrial Relations, strong teamwork and a few other things create a mentally healthy workplace which, in turn, promotes a healthy return on investment from people.  Win – win!  At HR Business Direction, we are passionate about both – helping our clients get a ROI from their people and creating working environments that support and prevent mental health.  We believe that this allows us make a true difference in society – for businesses and individuals.

PwC has shown that for every dollar businesses invest in creating a mentally healthy workplace, they get an average return of $2.30 in improved productivity and profitability.  There are also other benefits which assist in achieving the return on investment such as; improved productivity, lower staff turnover, reduced risk of claims due to good employee governance, retention, attraction, reduced compensation claims, good customer service and most importantly positive mental health for everyone.

What I love specifically about R U OK? is that it doesn’t matter what the problem is whether it be anxiety, depression or any other mental health issue.  It might be difficulties at home, family sickness or difficulties, domestic violence and so on and asking the question R U OK? works – and it may just save a life.

So, what are you doing to promote regular, meaningful conversations in the workplace on any day but particularly on 11th September?

At HR Business Direction we are able to assist with developing a mentally healthy workplace and getting a return on investment from your people.  Contact us here.

For other relevant blogs from our team in support of RUOK? refer to:


RUOK Bubble


Leisa Messer BBus(HRM); GradDipIR; CAHRI; IRSQ
Managing Director | HR Strategist
07 3890 2066
