Keeping Values Alive



At HR Business Direction, we understand that its even more difficult to retain culture and ensure employees are living values when working from home or other such flexible arrangements, but it can be done.

The values and culture of the organisation are considerations in being more flexible.  With strong values, regular communication, collaboration and effort, the values and culture can continue to be strong.

Just like when in the office, those at the top have to continue to live the values, to lead the charge and communicate expectations, otherwise you can’t expect those underneath to be too excited about living them.  In fact it will probably disengage them, and unfortunately shape a different culture, one that doesn’t support the vision of the business.  Business in these uncertain times with COVID-19 are hard enough without loosing your culture as well.

A sense of belonging, common purpose and shared identity inspires everyone to do their best work.   Your core values, no matter what they are, are the basis of your culture.  The values empower people, guide them, excite them and motivate them, even when no one is watching.  So, some things to consider to keeping values alive at this time;

  • Let your values continue to guide you
  • Ensure employees can see leaders continuing to live & be guided by the values
  • Continue to refer to values during communications with employees
  • Remind employees of the values
  • Expect values to be continued to be lived and let employees know if they are not
  • Continue virtual meetings
  • Ensure 1 to 1 check-ins
  • Encourage team members to collaborate
  • Allow time and space for employee to connect on a personal basis

Your values hold everyone forward towards achieving the organisation vision so give it the attention it deserves – some extra care, time and dedication at this time.  HR Business Direction are more than happy to assist with creating or improving your organisational culture so please reach out if we can help.   Contact us here.

Related articles: – Flexibility in the workplace, How much control & choices do you give employees? Managing Employees – virtual or Bricks and Mortar?  COVID-19 Flexibility moving forward

Leisa Messer BBus(HRM); GradDipIR; FAHRI; IRSQ

Managing Director | HR Strategist

07 3890 2066