Consultation with employees isn’t about ticking a box
Isn’t it sad that at times we need legislation to tell us to communicate and consult with our employees – those that work towards achieving the vision and goals of the business. Harsh!? Maybe, but to be honest I bet you’ld rather not consult, haven’t consulted when you should have or tried to get out of consulting with your employees, at some stage.
Even if and when you do consult can you put your hand your heart and say it’s done genuinely? What is forgotten, or not considered is that there is great benefit in consultation. Yes, it ticks a box with employment legislation and therefore you should consult to mitigate risks but employees on the ‘shopfloor’ know more than you think and have a lot to give and contribute, have ideas and probably even solutions. As the saying goes, ‘If you don’t ask you don’t know’. So, don’t consult to tick a box, consult to get the best solution possible.
There are consultation provisions in all modern awards, and the Fair Work Act 2009 and in Enterprise Agreements, mainly for significant changes. When modern awards or Enterprise Agreements don’t apply the Fair Work Act still requires consultation. Yes, the legislation says that once a decision is made you need to consult with those affected however consult with openness and real consideration to the input of your employees.
And from a WH&S perspective. A strong focus for consultation now exists with the harmonisation of the workplace, health & safety legislation. Under the Workplace Health & Safety Act 2011, there is a requirement to consult to provide relevant information, ability to express views & contribute to decisions, hazards, risks, facilities and WH&S decisions. When it comes to safety in the workplace, everyone is responsible, therefore let them have input and again genuinely consider it – they may even know better.
Maybe, it already is part of your culture and if so, I am sure you are reaping the benefits and if not give it a go, I am sure you will make sure it becomes part of your culture – regardless of what employment legislations says. Make consultation part of normal business practice but when it comes to WH&S, redundancy, restructure or other significant changes – do more than consult, consult genuinely.
The value is that consultation could add to any business decision making aside from a harmonious environment, increasing the acceptance of change and a change ready workplace – which is important in this rapidly changing environment we work in where it is so important to be agile to remain competitive.
At HR Business Direction we are able to assist with developing the desired culture together with ensuring compliance with legislation. Contact us here.
Leisa Messer BBus(HRM); GradDipIR; CAHRI; IRSQ
Managing Director | HR Strategist
07 3890 2066