5 Reasons Everyone Should Care About Workplace Health & Safety



For small to medium sized businesses, implementing proper Workplace Health and Safety Systems can seem like an enormous and costly task. Many businesses make excuses like “I don’t have enough employees for workplace health and safety to really matter” or “my business is low-risk, I only have to do the basics”. But the problem with sweeping WH&S under the rug is that it will most likely come back to bite you.

That’s what all businesses, large and small, definitely don’t want. Not only will it cost you time and money, but it also impacts the culture of your workplace, leaving employees feeling unsafe and not properly looked after.  That’s why we constantly say, There is so much more to compliance than mitigating risks and why it is part of the puzzle of maximising performance and productivity.

Yes, it can seem daunting and confusing for small businesses, particularly ones that don’t have dedicated WH&S personnel or training, but the benefits of making your workplace safe far outweigh the effort of implementing safety procedures properly.

Here are 5 reasons you should care about WH&S:

  1. It ensures your employees feel safe at work
    Your business wouldn’t be anything without your employees, so why should they feel unsafe at work? When there are systems in place and employees are provided with the necessary resources and training to perform their roles safely, it promotes a culture of safety and inclusion. It will also drive vital communication within your business and prompt people to speak up about issues they have encountered, which you can tackle together quickly and efficiently to save you time and money in the future.
  2. It gives you peace of mind
    It can be confusing to know how to apply WH&S legislation to your specific area and industry, but taking the time to wrap your head and business around it helps ensure you are fully prepared when something goes wrong. If someone is injured at work because systems aren’t in place to keep them safe, not only will it cost you vital time and money, but the personal cost will also be great.
  3. It saves you money
    No matter your industry, something that saves your business money is always a welcome thing. Not many people see WH&S as a money saver, but if you are caught without having met your obligations with regard to health and safety you may find yourself in hot water financially, not only from costs like employee compensation and covering their absence from work, but also from fines and penalties to your business.
  4. It improves workplace efficiency
    Time can easily be wasted if employees are confused by procedures, particularly if everyone does it differently or has their own take on working safely.  Leading by example and training everyone to work to a specific standard makes sure time is not wasted and everyone is working together and efficiently as a team.
  5. It reduces injury leave
    Many businesses run the gauntlet when it comes to WH&S, but they are putting their employees and themselves at risk, whether they are aware of it or not. If you find your business is losing money each year with employees taking leave as a result of workplace injury, these instances could be greatly reduced by simply taking control of your WH&S. Not only will it ensure your employees are working efficiently, but it will also reduce the cost of covering their absence.

It doesn’t take much for things to go wrong at work, but it also doesn’t take much to help ensure they don’t happen. The great thing for businesses, particularly small or medium sized, is that there are people and resources out there that can help if things get confusing. The best thing to do is reach out for help, rather than ignoring it to the detriment of your business.

HR Business Direction can help with implementing and managing your Workplace Health & Safety. Contact us here.

Leisa Messer BBus(HRM); GradDipIR; CAHRI; IRSQ
HR Strategist
07 3890 2066
