It’s not healthy to compare

It’s not healthy for us to compare our businesses or organisations or even individuals for that matter. Do you really want to evaluate your business or self by comparing to other businesses or individuals?
Sure, it’s good to understand your competition but if you start comparing, it’s likely you’ll start doing what your competitor is doing which may not be in line with your vision, mission, goals and values – that is unique to you and your business. This will lead you off track.
It’s a bit like, ‘Best practice’. How can one thing work best for all organisations? It can’t, they are all different just like individuals, so it is not best practice if it doesn’t suit the organisation for whatever reason. To be honest it is probably someone trying to gain in some way from the ‘best practice’. Businesses need to work out what the best approach is for them based on their culture, goals etc. It’s a little like back some years ago when there was hype about ditching performance reviews but really those that were doing performance reviews well were the ones that got the value from them and those that said they weren’t doing performance reviews were actually doing them, just not calling them performance reviews. See here if you want to read more about that. I give that example because you have to work out what is best for your business no matter what it is, don’t blindly follow what the organisation you are comparing yours with is doing. It’s particularly important that your HR Strategies and activities align to your organisational goals and values so its not only what you do, but also how you do it. I actually also wrote about this in another blog, why your HR Strategy has to be unique to you. You know your business is unique so do you really want someone to treat it the same as everyone else’s? What is the value in that? How do you stand out during the recruitment process? What do you do to retain your valuable employees? The same as other businesses? I don’t think so.
From an individual perspective, this certainly isn’t healthy either and will get you off track. It’s important to know what your goals are and why you have them. Again, this is unique to you. You have a different skill set and value to add as there is no one else like you. So, focus on you and how you will get there and don’t follow others. You may want to get to the same place as someone else, but it doesn’t mean you have to get there the same way. You want to have difference experiences and different skill sets, as you are unique, and your value will be different to someone else. Having a role model that you look up for inspiration for your own growth, learning and transformation is great and a mentor to bounce things off but don’t compare them (or others) with you as if you’re not enough, because you are. Mentoring offers guidance and support for professional growth and development. This is based on individual goals of having a mentor it doesn’t and shouldn’t involve comparing yourself with others. Remind yourself often of how far you’ve come. Comparing yourself can also be emotionally draining and impact your mental health.
You or your business don’t want to be the same anyway, they are both unique as are your competitors. Not that I am saying you don’t look and be aware but stick to your own goals and how you get there.
At HR Business Direction we can assist in determining what HR practises work for your business. Contact us here if we can help.
Leisa Messer BBus(HRM); GradDipIR; FCPHR
Managing Director | HR Strategist
07 3890 2066