HR Business Direction saves employeer at least $10,000 and enabled them to increase sales by at least $150,000 initially


Purchasing an off the shelf workplace health and safety management may seem like good value for money, but is it?  HR Business Direction worked with a client who found that the off the shelf system they had purchased was not the hassle free solution they had anticipated…. 

Our client contacted us seeking assistance on how to implement an ‘off the shelf’ workplace health and safety management system they had purchased in the 12 months prior to their call.  The client stated that they had the best of intentions, and wanted to meet their legal obligations and most importantly, keep their employees free of injury or illness. 

The problem was that the system they had purchased consisted of literally hundreds of documents, many of which had been developed with a one size fits all approach which just didn’t match the client’s needs in terms of practicality and cultural fit.

The client was a small business with employees that worked at various locations and frequently out of their vehicles.  A computer or paper based system with hundreds of documents was just not practical for them to implement.  Further to this, the documents they had purchased were digitally protected from modification so the client was unable to modify or change them to make them more relevant to their business or update them over time.

Our client expressed a desire for a system that would be user-friendly for their employees and not overly complex or involved. 

HR Business Direction worked with our client, where possible utilising components of the system they had purchased and filling in the gaps to create a user-friendly system that met the needs of their business and could be utilised by employees out in the field.  This client, as a result, has embraced safety and created a safety culture for the team, which is a long way from where they were when we commenced working with them.

HR Business Direction continues to work with this client, providing ongoing training and support as required.  Being committed to workplace health and Safety does not have to involve complicated processes or mountains of paperwork. 

At HR Business Direction we pride ourselves on providing workplace health and safety systems and advice that is relevant to the needs and requirements of our clients and not unnecessarily complex. We estimate that in doing so has saved our client at least $10,000 in simply just efficiencies in using the system based on our recommendations vs the off the shelf system they purchased not to mention the various risks and penalties they have mitigated by implementing it.  Also, however, as a result of actually implementing and using the system they were able to initially win tenders worth $150,000.00 and more since then.
